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DocuWare for Invoice Processing

Preconfigured cloud solutions

DocuWare for Invoice Processing saves accounts payable departments even more time and money by using a GL Table prefill option.

Allocation of invoices does not need to take a lot of time. Stop dividing the costs between different cost centers manually. The days of adding machine tapes and setting up formulas in worksheets are over. Vendor invoices for rents, utilities, telephone expenses, insurances, or any cost that needs to be allocated are done quickly and easily in our preconfigured solution for invoice processing, whether it is by percentage or an even distribution. The prefill option and the GL table data are saved in the vendor master record and are easy to update whenever the allocations need updating.

Example of the percentage prefill option in the vendor master record.
IP screenshot

Find all the marketing and configuration materials as well as the DWBUC file for download on our Partner Resources.

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