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Exceptions and Limits in the Approval Process


Some types of invoices are better reviewed by six eyes rather than four. There are budgets that require the approval of at least one supervisor and time limits or financial thresholds that cannot be exceeded. With DocuWare Workflow Manager, you can specify internal business processes to the tee – and adjust them at any time to ensure that you are making the best decisions.

What Happens When…

Digital workflows define in detail what needs to happen when certain situations arise or exceptions occur. They are also ideal for setting deadlines, tracking tasks and determining what happens when deadlines can’t be met. And they are especially helpful for getting one or more persons to make a decision no matter where they are working.

Exceptions as the Rule

For example, adding multiple stages for invoice processing enhances security for your company, particularly important for invoices with high sums that may require the approval of accounting managers as well as though who are responsible for technical/content aspects. You can also make sure that your order processing team does not simply grant discounts, but that they are instead first approved. Another common application is to route vacation requests that exceed the usual time allotted to one more person for approval. You can also automatically assign onboarding processing tasks to other HR staffers if they aren’t completed in time – to keep new employee morale at a high!

Dynamic Limits

How a business process needs to flow often depends on who is specifically responsible for each task. For this reason, it is possible to individually define processes to suit individual users or user groups. For example, you can dynamically set budget limits for invoice approval – depending on the department, work experience, or any other factors – simply by controlling the workflow through file cabinet data source settings.

No Programming Required

With DocuWare Workflow Manager, you can digitize even the most complex processes in sales, human resources, finance and other areas without any programming knowledge. All processing steps, specifications and exceptions follow rules that you can define using a graphical user interface – the Workflow Designer. The tasks and conditions are dragged and dropped into a flowchart, linked to freely definable variables and connected together. This gives you the flexibility to adjust the process at any time as rules change, expand, or prove to be superfluous.

DocuWare Workflow Manager is part of every DocuWare Cloud license. For locally installed systems, DocuWare Workflow Manager is available as an add-on module.


