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Employee Onboarding: Stress-Free Start to a New Job

When new employees come into a company, it‘s key to have seamless organization and communication. With DocuWare, you can provide modern onboarding that saves paperwork and time...and ensures that new colleagues feel welcome from day one.


The more smoothly a new employee is brought into a company, the sooner they can start contributing as a professional. With effective tools for web forms, workflows, and knowledge management, DocuWare helps your HR department to optimally integrate new employees right from the start.

Web Forms: Capturing Personnel Data Online

Personnel data must usually be recorded in lots of different forms. With DocuWare, you can convert your paper forms into efficient web forms. It‘s no longer necessary for employees to transfer the same personnel data over and over – or for you to waste time deciphering illegible handwriting.

New employees simply receive a link to a staff questionnaire, into which they enter their basic information. Once submitted, all other required HR forms are automatically filled in with the details. For example, this might include an I-9 Employment Verification Form, Social Security Application, or W-4 Tax Form.

Immediately, these documents then reside in an employee’s digital personnel file. The digital forms look exactly like the usual paper forms and can be supplemented with other internal data from the HR department in DocuWare Client as needed.

A personnel questionnaire is opened in a browser and filled out...
A personnel questionnaire is opened in a browser and filled out...

… the data is then automatically transferred into other forms like an I-9 Employment Verification Form and may be further supplemented with data from the HR department …

… the data is then automatically transferred into other forms like an I-9 Employment Verification Form and may be further supplemented with data from the HR department …

… even a W-4 Tax Form an be automatically filled out electronically and then stored in an employee’s personnel file.

… even a W-4 Tax Form can be automatically filled out electronically and then stored in an employee’s personnel file.

Workflows: Office Furniture Received on Time

From signing a contract to the first day of work, the communication between HR, office management and an IT department needs to flow smoothly. Because when an office chair is missing, technical equipment appears in bits and pieces, an email account isn‘t set up, or important contacts in the office have no idea that a new person is coming or a training plan is in place...well, that’s both frustrating and unpleasant for companies and employees alike.

Onboarding with DocuWareDigital Workflows in DocuWare allow your HR department to automatically assign and control tasks and keep an eye on all information: every step needed to onboard an employee is precisely defined and launched on time with a digital workflow. That way, new colleagues can finish their first day with a smile.


Knowledge Management: Info for Employees All Online

New colleagues have lots of questions. Forcing them to dig around to answer them doesn’t add to their goodwill. With DocuWare, your HR department can bundle important information – about vacation or sick leave policy, parking issues, lunch options, or whatever would be helpful – into handy digital folders and provide them to new employees via link.

Not only will a new PC appear on the desk of your new employees on time, but their first email will include everything they might need to know to get started. New colleagues can even call up their employment agreement containing the goals and expectations for their job from their very own electronic Personnel File.

Another option for modern knowledge management is to integrate employee information and personnel records with DocuWare into a special internal employee web portal.

Start your new job well-informed: with DocuWare, you can provide new employees with links to all their most important information.

Start your new job well-informed: with DocuWare, you can provide new employees with links to all their most important information.


Are you interested in modern HR processes?

1. How to successfully manage job applications with DocuWare can be found in the first part of our HR series.

2. Or read more about Personnel Files: The Benefits of Digitizing

3. Digital Onboarding: Stress-Free Start to a New Job

4. Say you’ve created a new company policy and want to guarantee that all your colleagues are aware of it? This is a simple matter with an ad-hoc workflow in DocuWare! Read more in the next part of our series on modern document management for HR...



