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7 ways to speed up your HR management

With digital personnel files, employees can access their own records – at any time, from anywhere – and submit all their applications online. Have you added this productivity boost to your company yet? Here are 7 ideas for bringing speed and transparency into your HR management.

A document management system is ideal for administering digital personnel files. Just add a HR file cabinet to DocuWare to manage content like applications, payroll, annual reviews, and vacation requests much more efficiently. You can also automate manual processes and time-consuming tasks. Here are some examples:

1. Maintain personnel data 

Digital files provide flexible access and an excellent overview of employee data and documents. They are stored under each respective personnel number and indexed using values like name, document type, subject and date. Access rights are used to control who is allowed to see or edit which information. If sensitive personnel data such as address, bank details or health insurance needs to be edited, employees can do it themselves via special online form and HR then only confirms the changes. 



2. Distribute pay stubs

Do you print out pay stubs and then have to fold them, stuff them in envelopes and even put them in the mail? Say goodbye to this time and money guzzler – switch to a digital workflow! You can continue to create your paystubs with any payroll program. DocuWare then stores them in a digital personnel file, without any work on your part. Employees are automatically notified and can immediately access their paystub via password-protected link. This also works if you handle your payroll externally.



3. Organize job postings

Want to fill vacancies as quickly as possible? A structured process that integrates HR with specialist departments and distributes tasks is a huge help. As an example, managers can submit the requirements for a new position to HR with an online form, so that the new position can quickly be added to an online careers page. Applicants then also use a form, which in turn smoothly controls all aspects of managing their application.



4. Hire new team members

You can also coordinate interview appointments and other internal processes with digital workflows, which simplifies rejections and optimally prepares contract conclusions. Follow-ups provide quick feedback and prevent important personnel decisions from being delayed. After all, digital application management is much more than automated email responses.



5. Coordinate onboarding tasks

Control onboarding tasks digitally so that everything from desks to email accounts are ready for new team members. Everything that needs to be done and ordered is quickly defined with just a few clicks in an online form and  distributed to IT and purchasing through digital workflows. In this way, administrative tasks related to a change of department or offboarding can also be streamlined.


6. Manage absences 

Whether it's vacation, illness or parental leave – employees can conveniently record absences via online application. Managers and HR approve them with just a few clicks. In this way, everyone on the team can keep track of everything, is automatically notified of absences, and can plan appointments and projects accordingly.



7. Ensure compliance

HR is a highly sensitive area – data protection is a top priority. This difficult task can be made much easier by restricting access to documents through roles and authorization profiles or automatically delete employee documents after the end of their retention period. You can also use digital processes to ensure that all team members are demonstrably aware of your company's compliance goals: For example, a simple workflow ensures that important work instructions and SOPs arrive safely, are confirmed and remain transparent at all times.

Conclusion: More time for value-adding tasks

Digitize your personnel files so that your company can benefit from future-oriented HR processes. With DocuWare, you can roll out faster processes to suit your priorities and business requirements. To see what this can look like, check out: Manage employee records and onboard from anywhere.

