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10 years of DocuWare Cloud – what a success story

While initially viewed critically by some in this field, DocuWare's focus on the cloud has proven to be a hugely important strategic advantage. How many documents do you think are now archived worldwide per second in DocuWare Cloud?

Before we answer that question, let's take a look at customer growth. Launched in 2012 as DocuWare Online, that first year we helped nine customers take advantage of this innovative new solution in the cloud. As the graph below shows, these figures rose slowly in the following years. But the perseverance was well worth it! This past year, around 75% of new customers opted for DocuWare's cloud model. That represents more than 2,200 customers!

Cloud Customer growth EN
From 9 to nearly 6,000: Development of the number of DocuWare Cloud customers from 2012 to 2021

DocuWare has achieved international success: cloud customers are located in 68 countries, with more than 260,000 users from 178 different countries and territories accessing their documents in DocuWare Cloud. So to answer that initial question: our customers store 24 documents every second! Data centers in the EU, the USA, Japan and (most recently) Australia further illustrate the global impact and international orientation of DocuWare Cloud.

Why do customers rely on DocuWare Cloud?

Three main reasons:

  1. Getting started with DocuWare Cloud is risk-free and offers the greatest possible flexibility. Unlike on-premises systems, there is no high initial investment, only easy-to-calculate monthly or annual payments. In addition, a system can be expanded as needed at any time, adapting to business growth and the areas of document management use within the company.
  2. DocuWare Cloud is deployed quickly and offers full functionality: automatic indexing, digital workflows including mobile phone use, email archiving, electronic forms for structured data collection and much more.
  3. The demands on IT security are rapidly increasing. Keeping hardware and software up-to-date, meeting compliance requirements and warding off hacker dangers is hardly simple for most companies. This is only exacerbated by a shortage of IT specialists. DocuWare Cloud customers can sit back and relax and know their documents are secure.

    DocuWare Cloud includes five document copies and a variety of backups. The documents are also protected against viruses and malware.

And last but not least, DocuWare's many years of experience with the cloud solution creates trust on the part of prospects and customers.


And what about on-premises?

DocuWare is still available in both license models, for cloud and on-premises. The solutions are developed in parallel, based on the same code, and offer nearly identical functionality. Version updates are provided at regular intervals for on-premises customers. The only difference is that they need to take care of their IT infrastructure and version updates themselves.

If you no longer want to do this and are thinking of switching to the cloud, your DocuWare Partner and DocuWare Professional Services team are happy to advise you.


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