
What’s New in DocuWare version 7.5 on-premises

Product news

Following our cloud release two weeks ago, DocuWare version 7.5 is now available for on-premises installations. In line with our philosophy to provide the same feature set for both deployment options, the new features we’ve previously communicated regarding DocuWare Cloud, are now available for the on-premises version.

DocuWare Export is particularly noteworthy. This module, which was released in DocuWare Cloud in June, is now available for our on-premises version with an additional license. More about licensing in the separate article below.

Preconfigured solutions
All preconfigured solutions are updated to DocuWare Version 7.5. On-premises DWBUC files are available upon request to

To learn more about all the new features and typical application areas and their benefits, read What’s New in DocuWare version 7.5. This document along with all our typical release documentation (feature listing and technical release notes) can be found in PartnerInfo 310. This is also where you will find the VM and download links.

Customers will learn more about this release in mid-October.

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