
Update of the DocuWare App for Microsoft Teams

Product news

The update, which was teased about in July, is now ready! The current app is available to all users in the Apps section of Microsoft Teams. Customers already using the app need to update it to receive the functions.


Users can now integrate DocuWare lists as tabs into their Teams environment. This applies to lists in the form of file cabinet dialogs as well as task lists in connection with workflows. Especially for people who only occasionally work in DocuWare, this is a good way to have quick access to up-to-date documents and tackle workflow tasks directly within Teams. Read more about the features in the update announcement.

Marketing Materials

To share with customers and interested parties about the strengths of DocuWare's integration into this communication platform, please use this updated media:  Website, ProductInfo.

To personalize the ProductInfo, please access the document via the Marketing & Sales Online Tool.

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