
Announcement: DocuWare as Tab in Microsoft Teams

Product news

With the update of the DocuWare App for Microsoft Teams planned for August 2023, users will be able to add DocuWare lists as tabs in their Teams environment. This applies both to the lists in the form of store dialogs and to task lists in conjunction with workflows. For people who only work occasionally in DocuWare, this is a good way to have quick access to current documents and to work on workflow tasks directly while working within Teams.

List Features (Store Dialog)  
At the document level

  • Open in browser: Document opens in the viewer in a new browser tab, the usual viewer functions are available
  • Copy document link to clipboard
  • Share in Teams
  • Download

At the list level

  • Sorting
  • Open in browser: Complete list opens in a new browser tab

Task Features (Workflow)
At the document level

  • Open in browser: Workflow task is opened together with the document in the viewer in a new browser tab; the usual functions in the task form and in the viewer are available.
  • Copy document link to clipboard
  • Share in Teams
  • Download

At the list level

  • Sorting
  • Open in browser: Complete list opens in a new browser tab

Of course, the range of features available to the individual user depends on the rights granted in DocuWare.

The update of DocuWare App for Microsoft Teams is expected to be available in August 2023. Customers who already use the app will automatically receive the new features when released.

The new features can be used with DocuWare Cloud as well as with the on-premises solution. In the case of a locally installed DocuWare system, the DocuWare Connect to Teams module is still required for integration with Microsoft Teams.

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