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Recertification and course dates 2023 for Partners

DocuWare Academy

Recertification for 2023
The end of the year is approaching and it's time to think about your annual recertification. You only have until 12/31/2022. If you haven’t completed your recertification by this deadline, you cannot be admitted to next year's recertification. You will have to go through the entire Base certification program again.

Make it happen!

  • Log in to the DocuWare Academy’s Learning Management System (LMS) via the SSO of your DocuWare ID
  • Go to Recertification in the catalog
  • Select the appropriate career track (DAC, DSC, DSA, DCC) in your preferred language
  • Enroll in the course and work through the topics. For each topic you will find a recording and corresponding PowerPoint slides
  • Then complete and pass the exam

If you joined this year's DocuWorld, please do not forget to take the respective exam in the LMS. Otherwise, your certification cannot be renewed.

It is not necessary to review the recordings or the PowerPoint slides, but they do give you the opportunity to refresh your memory on the different topics. Each career/certification (DAC, DSC, DSA, DCC) has its own training and exam. If you wish to renew more than one valid certification, you can also recertify them using the respective recordings and the corresponding exam. It is not necessary to follow a specific order for the recordings.

Please keep in mind that you will not have access to the recertification if you don`t hold a valid certification. It is also not enough for DACs and DSCs to have simply completed the eLearnings.

A more detailed description of the rules for Partner qualification can be found in the FAQ in the LMS and the Partner Certifications brochure.

2023 course dates for Partners – available in the LMS as of January
Planning for the 2023 course catalog is almost complete. All 2023 dates will be available for you in the LMS from January. Furthermore, all courses will take place online. 

The training concept for DAC and DSC Base courses will change starting on 1/1/2023 to have enough time during the course week to revisit what has been learned so far or to complete one or the other daily tasks. The courses will no longer last 3 full days, but the lessons will be spread over 5x5 hours. There will be course weeks with classes in the morning and others where they are taught in the afternoon. The course content will not change compared to previous years.

Presentation VM French 7.7
The new VM 7.7 in French is now available in the LMS on the VM page.


Tip: translate it

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