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Perfectly answered RFQ/RFI on all aspects of security

Product news

We have looked at our sales data from 2021 and discovered that more and more customers ask us to fill out RFI or RFP documents before awarding projects to our Partners. In fact, our team has been quite busy wish these types of requests, creating numerous response time delays. Based on all requests we received from our DAC’s (DocuWare Application Consultants/Sales) we recently (last month’s newsletter) released a document entitled “Security FAQs.” The DocuWare Security FAQ covers the most important questions regarding: Compliance, Cloud Security, and IT security in general which is mostly covered by the DocuWare SOC 2 compliance.

How and when to use the Security FAQ:

  1. Read the document
  2. Search for the answer: use CTRL + F to find answers
  3. Most questionnaires can be answered by simply copying and pasting the information as is

Value for the DAC:

  1. Faster response time
  2. Clarity regarding DocuWare Compliance, Cloud Security and IT security
  3. Facilitating the requests of customers and prospects in a timely manner
  4. Better understanding of DocuWare Cloud Security and the value for our clients vs on-premise implementations
  5. Better understanding of the costs associated to managing the cloud environment

We will keep updating this document to make sure that this adds even more value to our DAC/DSC (sales and technical) community from questions our DAC’s get from customers.

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