
New: DocuWare App in Microsoft Teams

Product news

With the new app, the DocuWare Connect to Teams interface now offers bidirectional integration. Besides sharing archived documents via a link in Microsoft Teams, the app lets you save documents from chats and channels in DocuWare – without ever leaving Teams. Since the interface is included in all DocuWare Cloud license packages, you’ll have another DocuWare Cloud highlight to mention during sales calls with prospects and your ongoing conversations with customers!

From Teams to DocuWareEN_StoreDocumentFileCabinet

Microsoft Teams is not only used to make phone calls and chat. It is also increasingly used to store and share documents that might be scattered across chats and channels. So that these documents can easily be retrieved later – especially in the free-form swirl of related documents and emails – it’s essential to archive them. With the DocuWare app in Microsoft Teams, the features Save to File Cabinet and Save to Tray are readily available. With just a few clicks, documents are securely stored in DocuWare and available to all authorized users – at any time and from anywhere.
EN_IndexTheDocumentWhen storing in a file cabinet, a DocuWare store dialog opens directly in Microsoft Teams. With the One Click Indexing tool, relevant document content can be transferred into index fields with just a few clicks.

From DocuWare to Teams

Starting with the release of DocuWare version 7.6 earlier this year, archived documents could be posted via a link directly from DocuWare to a chat or in a Microsoft Teams channel, for example to share a supplier's offer in a project group. Instead of sharing a document via email, this method offers significant advantages: the document itself remains securely stored in DocuWare and the permissions defined in DocuWare continue to apply.


Connect to Teams is available to DocuWare Cloud customers and is included in all DocuWare Cloud license packages. The app is made available to users in the Apps section of Teams – in the Microsoft Store. In order to post archived documents to chats and channels, the sharing function for Microsoft Teams must only be activated once in the organization settings of DocuWare configuration.

Availability and communications

As usual, we are informing our Partner network first. Beginning in January 2023, we'll be presenting the new interface to the public via our website, Product Blog, UserInfo, and more. The DocuWare app will then be available to everyone in the Microsoft Teams store.


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