
Mark your calendars for these end-of-year order processing important dates (Americas)

Company news

Due to the holiday schedule for this year, we had to make some adjustments to the final dates for orders. The New Windsor office will be closed Friday, December 24, Monday, December 27 and Friday, December 31.

Advance notice: to guarantee your (Dec) purchase orders are processed in December and added to your 2021 revenues, please make sure that your purchase orders are received in our Order Processing Department ( by Thursday, December 23, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time). Due to these changes, we only have three days to process orders before the end of the year. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Orders received after this deadline cannot be guaranteed to be added to your 2021 total revenue.

As a reminder DocuWare orders should be sent to If you have any questions concerning this deadline, please contact Courtney Pozzi at (845) 253-6711 or Gigi Kelso at (845) 253-6592.

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