
Interesting facts for new DocuWare Partners (EMEA)

StarterKit_EN_ADPTo successfully take first steps with DocuWare, we equip new DocuWare Partners (EMEA) with this handy brochure stocked with pro tips and core information. Some questions answered: Where can I register for trainings? Where can a cloud trial be created? Where can I find the most important marketing materials? How and where can licenses be ordered? And much more.

You have two options here. You can download as a PDF using the following links:

  • Partner Starter Guide for Authorized DocuWare Partners (EN | ES | FR)
  • Partner Starter Guide for DocuWare Cloud Partners (EN | ES | FR)

Or you can visit the new Partner onboarding webpage, Starting Successfully with DocuWare! Either way, we have what you need!


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