
Start your DocuWare Partner onboarding experience here.

Welcome to our Partner network! We are so pleased that you and your company have chosen to sell DocuWare solutions and look forward to working and being successful together. Our entire team is ready to support you.

To get started, register for a DocuWare ID: click here and be sure to accept the invitation to finalize your registration process.
For step-by-step registration instructions and a Team Rights Overview, click here.


DocuWare gets you up and running selling solutions with our 90-day launch program. We also provide the tools for a flawless demonstration whether in the cloud or via a virtual machine. In this section, you’ll find all these details and more.

Sales general email (Americas):
Sales general email (EMEA): 

To register for a DocuWare ID, click here and be sure to accept the invitation to finalize your registration process.
For step-by-step instructions and a Team Rights Overview, click here


Virtual Machine (VM)

The VM contains DocuWare (with all its components), Microsoft Office, and "Fakturama" (a built-in accounting program) - all preconfigured for a professional presentation. You can find the latest VM in the DocuWare Academy / VM tab. 


RedCloud Trial

For presentation purposes, you can go to the My Account ->
My Business section of our website to set up a DocuWare Cloud Trial for yourself or your customers. 


GrayPartner Resources web pages

The DocuWare Partner Resources web page is your official gateway to tools and contents designed specifically for Partners to use when selling and promoting DocuWare.

Partner Resources web page
Partner Resources preconfigured solutions web page



Customer Success

DocuWare is committed to your business growth. One guaranteed way to make that happen is happy customers. With the increase in social media and review platforms, everyone has an opinion so you want to make sure you are doing all you can to build healthy customer relationships. To that end, we have a team of customer success professionals that are dedicated to working with you on building customer loyalty. Read more here


GrayPartner Startup Guide

For an A-to-Z guide on your partnership journey, download this Partner Startup Guide. It also covers our high achievers’ programs − Diamond Club and Customer Service Champion Award.

Authorized DocuWare Partner Startup Guide (Americas)
Authorized DocuWare Partner Startup Guide (EMEA)


Webinar Kit

Whether you’re a seasoned expert or novice, there is always something you can do to make your next webinar better than the last. We have compiled a complete webinar guide, including a master checklist, visual examples, templates, PowerPoint slides and more, to help you create a seamless, professional webinar.

Webinar Kit (EN version)



Lead Protection

For details on our Lead Protection Program, speak with your DocuWare sales representative.


DocuWare Developer Documentation

For API integrations, read more here.


Get everything you need to market DocuWare, generate leads and stay informed on what’s new with product, programs, DocuWorld and more.

Marketing general email (Americas): and
Marketing general email (EMEA): and 

RedMarketing Material Summary Catalog

This easy-to-use guide provides an overview of key marketing content and materials you need for every step of the customer journey. Inspire interest, present with confidence, exceed expectations.

Americas version
EMEA version


BlueMarketing and Sales Tools

This online platform gives access to our marketing and sales tools (i.e. Webinar Kit, case studies, product flyers, presentations, videos, event invitations and more) written and designed for every phase of the customer journey, from prospecting to closing the deal. Since most assets can be personalized with your company logo and contact information there will be a 'personalize' button available. 

Link to Marketing & Sales Tool platform


GreenDocuWare Newsletters

Our monthly PartnerInfo newsletter is your main communication source for staying informed. The Sales Advisor newsletter showcases the details of a recent sale and new educational material.
You can also subscribe to the UserInfo for product news and use cases. 

Ensure that you receive these newsletters and other DocuWare emails successfully:
Whitelist instructions (Americas)
Whitelist instructions (EMEA)


OrangeDocuWorld Partner Conference

This is our annual Partner-only event featuring learning, networking and insights into the latest office technology products and solutions in the field of information management. 

DocuWorld event page

Light GraySocial Media

Stay connected, follow us, generate leads and keep the conversation going.

YouTube Channel


OrangeDocuWare Blogs

Modern Digital Business provides use case and educational material on document management, digital workflow, process automation and content services. Product News is the best source for product announcements and tips for getting more out of DocuWare. 

Modern Digital Business
Product News

DocuWare Academy

The DocuWare Academy gives you the sales and technical skills you need to sell, support and use DocuWare.

DocuWare Academy general email:

GreenDocuWare Academy 

For both our Partners and DocuWare users we offer trainings for higher education.


RedCertifications (sales and technical)

DocuWare Application Consultant (DAC) - sales
DocuWare System Consultant (DSC) - technical
DocuWare Sales Advisor (DSA) - sales
DocuWare Cloud Consultant (DCC) - for Cloud Partners

For a comprehensive overview of these trainings:
Partner Certification brochure (EMEA)

BlueUpcoming webinars and past recordings

DocuWare hosts short, informative monthly webinars showcasing various features to solve business challenges and uses cases to make your customers’ everyday work much easier and more effective. Past recordings are available. Hosting your own webinar? Be sure to download our helpful Webinar Kit.

Webinar web page
Webinar Kit



Welcome to the DocuWare family.
We are happy that you’ve joined our growing network of successful solution resellers. Our teams of highly trained and dedicated staff are committed to your success.
We look forward to helping you grow your business with high margins, chargeable services and recurring revenue.

Max Ertl, President Sales & Marketing, DocuWare Group
Jim Roberts, President, DocuWare Corporation

Orders / Finance

Our sales operations and order processing teams are here to help. Below are your go-to resources.

Sales order processing and administration general email (Americas):
Sales order processing and administration general email (EMEA):

OrangeOrders and renewals 

For the following, send to the general email listed above:

  • Place a new order
  • Request license download rights
  • A/P staff replacement notice
  • Cancel a subscription
  • Request to remove staff from your account
  • Add additional personnel to receive 30/60 days subscription alerts
  • Anything to do with license, product ordering, shipping, accounting

    New orders require a License Key Request form
    Americas form      EMEA form
    For Ricoh Americas purchases, please use this form
    Link to the North America Industry Code System


Sales and renewal quotes, please contact your DocuWare sales representative.

Professional Services quotes and Scope of Work, click here to complete a request form. Someone will reach out to you shortly.


Light Gray

Price List

Partners from the Americas, please reach out to your DocuWare sales representative.

EMEA Partners can download the current price list from the document pool in the Partner Portal.

Technical Support

Technical support comes in many forms. Besides our support team, we offer many self-help options that are available at any time and anywhere you need them. Below you can find easy access to support for your customers as well as your own in-house system.

Support general email, Americas:
Support general email, EMEA: 

BlueKnowledge Center

The Knowledge Center contains a deep dive into DocuWare and is an essential resource for newcomers to document management, advanced users and pros alike. To help with everyday work, there are a multitude of tips and best practices as well as know-how from DocuWare professionals on tap here.

Knowledge Center


OrangeProduct Tester Program

Do you want to learn about DocuWare’s newest features, provide feedback and ensure that the future development of our software meets your needs? Become a DocuWare Product Tester. To learn more and join the program, click here.

Green Support Portal for Partners

In the Support Portal you will find these helpful resources:

  • Knowledge Base (FAQs) — easily search over 1,000 articles that provide answers to questions on installation, use and configuration
  • Community Forum — Get in touch with other DocuWare users for assistance with application questions or technical problems. You'll also find the latest news from the Support Team. This forum is moderated by our support specialists
  • Support Cockpit — you can register new support requests here to receive technical support. You can also view the status of your existing support requests and provide us with new information

Support Portal for Partners



Support Portal for Users

Regardless of whether you use DocuWare as a cloud or on-premises solution, if something doesn't work as expected, help is just a mouse click away. Organized by various topics, users can find several options for quickly answering their questions. Feel free to share this web page with your customers and use it for help with your own use as well.

Support web page for DocuWare Users

Professional Services

Whether you're setting up a new DocuWare system or upgrading an existing one, you can take full advantage of the deep knowledge of our specialized  Professional Services experts.

Professional Services general email, Americas:
Professional Services general email, EMEA:


As a Partner, we know you often have your own teams of experts but sometimes resources can be in short supply when new opportunities come around. Our goal is to supply the appropriate resources to keep your team engaged in all opportunities for new and existing customers. We look forward to working together!

Americas: Please click here to complete the Professional Services quote and Scope of Work form. Someone will reach out to you shortly.


GreenProfessional Services web page

Learn more at Professional Services.






DocuWorld Partner Conference

Every year, DocuWare Partners gather for an international conference to get a look at the latest technologies and solutions in document management and workflow automation.

Learn more