
DocuWare collaborates with One Tree Planted for Global Reforestation

Company news

OneTreePlantedPartnering with the non-profit organization, One Tree Planted, each tree planted is our thank you gift to both the customer who is using DocuWare and the Partner who signed them on. Partners will receive an e-certificate and e-badge to send to their new customer(s) - we hope both you, our Partner, and your new customer will proudly display the e-badge on your website to show how you are supporting global reforestation.

By planting trees, we hope to help mitigate climate change by reducing carbon in the atmosphere and supporting habitats for wildlife. These reforestation efforts will also create positive impacts on local communities.

If you would like to contribute personally to the cause, visit our tree planting page at To learn more about One Tree Planted please visit their website:

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