What’s new in DocuWare version 7.8
With the upcoming release, the recycle bin makes its return! A handy thing especially for DocuWare Cloud customers, since they can restore accidentally deleted documents within 30 days.
Highlights include:
- Recycle Bin: Restore documents as a user or administrator
- Forms: Automatic calculation of field content for the direct display in forms and to use as index values
- Workflow Management: Targeted transfer of external data into DocuWare index tables that can then be used for further process automation, e.g. for position data comparison of several documents
- Single sign-on: More identity providers can be integrated via support for OpenID Connect
- REST API Calls: Automatic formatting and validation helps administrators create webhooks and HTTP queries within workflows
For dates, details, documentation and a link to test it out, read PartnerInfo #335.