Since January 1, 2022, it has been mandatory for software providers in France to have Qualiopi certification.
Qualiopi, as the successor to Datadock, is the national quality standard of the French Ministry of Labor and applies to operations in the education sector. This allows clients to finance training through public funds. The certification officially certifies the quality of our training and confirms our commitment to improvement in line with our commitments and values.
We have implemented all the measures required for certification not only for our training in France, but they generally shape our image as a global training provider. The certification is based on seven legal criteria (Datadock 6) with 32 indicators (Datadoc 21) that must be met.
During the audit, for example, course descriptions, mail texts, questionnaires, processes, socio-economic environment, accessibility and much more are checked. These include:Goals of the services
- Reception and evaluation modalities
- Pedagogical and technical resources
- Qualification of the trainers
- Information to the public
- Customer satisfaction
- Continuous improvement