VM for DAC training and software presentations version 7.6
Our latest version of the VM is now available in English and Spanish and ready for you to download from the DocuWare Academy. Simply set the page to your respective language. The French update is expected this summer.
Log in with your SSO at https://academy.docuware.com / the "VM" tab lists all the information about the VM and along with all download links. As always, you have the choice of using the VM for Virtual Box or VMware Workstation, or our "small" cloud VM for presentation with a cloud system. Our detailed "VM Preparation Guide" can also be found on this page to help you set up your VM.
Recertification requirements for 2022
If you attended DocuWorld as part of your recertification, please remember to now take your online exam. You do need to pass it to be recertified. Here’s how: log in to the DocuWare Academy / select your career path you need to recertify in the ‘Recertification’ catalog / take the exam.
If you did not attend DocuWorld and need your recertification, log in to the DocuWare Academy / select your career path you need to recertify in the ‘Recertification’ catalog / watch the pre-recorded trainings / take the exam. Please keep in mind that not all the trainings held in Orlando were recorded as some were hands-on only. Also, Q&As were not recorded.
In either case, you must successfully pass the exam per career path (DAC, DCC, DSC; for DSAs, the DAC trainings apply as last year). Only then can your respective certification be extended until 12/31/2023.
As normal, you will only have access to 2022 recertification if you have completed 2021 recertification.
Likewise, if you do not yet hold a valid certification or it has expired, you will not be able to participate in any recertification but start again obtaining your Base certifications.