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New interface: DocuWare Connect to Teams

Modern communication PLUS secure document archiving PLUS easy sharing of documents: that’s what it means to have a bidirectional interface with the Microsoft Teams platform. Give it a try – this new interface is included with DocuWare Cloud.


Using the new DocuWare app in Microsoft Teams, you can securely file documents from chats and channels in DocuWare. And you can post documents already stored in DocuWare via link, to share them with colleagues.

Here’s what the integration offers in detail:

From Teams to DocuWare

Microsoft Teams is not only used to make phone calls and chat. It is also increasingly used to store and share documents that might be scattered across chats and channels. So that these documents can easily be retrieved later – especially in the free-form swirl of related documents and emails – it’s essential to archive them. With the DocuWare app in Microsoft Teams, the features Save to File Cabinet and Save to Tray are readily available. With just a few clicks, documents are then securely stored in DocuWare and available to all authorized users – at any time and from anywhere. These newly archived documents can also be used to trigger workflows.


When archiving in a file cabinet, a DocuWare store dialog opens directly in Microsoft Teams. With the One Click Indexing tool, relevant document content can quickly be transferred into index fields.

The import is triggered from the Options menu of the chat/channel message to which the document is attached, not from the document's menu. So open the menu to the message , click there on "More actions" and then on the option "Import attachments" marked with a DocuWare icon.


From DocuWare to Teams

Archived documents can be posted via link directly from DocuWare into a Microsoft Teams chat or channel; for example, to share the offer of a supplier in a project group. You never have to leave DocuWare and the authorizations defined in DocuWare continue to apply. Since you do not post the document itself, but only a link to the document, everything remains safely stored in DocuWare.


When sharing archived documents, a Microsoft Teams window opens directly in DocuWare to select the chat or channel. You can also add a message.

The share feature was launched in spring 2022 with DocuWare version 7.6. Use these links for more information on this feature and the 7.6 release.

Licensing (Update May 2023)

Connect to Teams is included in all DocuWare Cloud license packages. As of DocuWare version 7.8, it is also available as a paid add-on module for on-premises systems.

The app is made available to users of Microsoft Teams in the Apps section of Teams. In order to post archived documents in chats and channels, the sharing function for Microsoft Teams must only be activated once in the organization settings of DocuWare configuration.

More information about Connect to Teams on our website

