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New for version 7.8: White Paper System Architecture

New for version 7.8: White Paper System Architecture

In conjunction with DocuWare Version 7.8, an updated version of the white paper about on-premises system architecture was also published. It covers the basic blueprint of the software and all of its innovations.

Numerous tables and diagrams in this white paper illustrate, for example, how various components communicate with each other. Then it dives deeper into each component: what tasks it perfoms, what other components does it communicate with, where are its functions managed and what needs to be considered when installing it.

The paper touches on integrations such as DocuWare Connect to Teams,  which is now also available for on-premises systems – for further information in this regards, also check out the White Paper Integration

The White Paper DocuWare On-Premises (formerly known as System Architecture) is available online in the Knowledge Center and also as a PDF.  

