New DocuWare Solution Simplifies Vaccination & Testing Management

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New DocuWare Solution Simplifies Vaccination & Testing Management

The most successful HR departments are flexible and always ready to adapt to the evolving needs of today’s workforce. Monitoring vaccination and testing documentation presents a whole new challenge for HR teams, but for the safety of their employees and to keep their businesses up and running, HR professionals aren’t wasting any time in putting their own mandates in place now.

To meet this need, DocuWare developed a new cloud-based*, preconfigured solution – DocuWare for Vaccination & Testing Management to support a fast and safe return to the workplace.

How does this vaccination management solution work?

This solution kicks off a workflow that starts with a COVID-19 Vaccination Questionnaire form. This form walks the employee through each step allowing them to enter their data, attach an image of their vaccination record or exemption information and hit submit. Their HR team will now have all the information on file. It’s really that easy. Any reporting needed can be quickly looked up in a list or even exported to a CSV file:

Vaccination documents with DocuWare

Easily verify vaccination status, manage exemptions and oversee testing compliance all in one safe and secure place. Only authorized staff will have access to employee health information.
You don’t have to take the risk associated with relying on spreadsheets or other manual systems. You can protect sensitive employee information with secure access rights and data encryption. DocuWare for Vaccination & Testing Management is a simple way to automate the collection and tracking of this data giving peace of mind to employers and their employees.  

What are the benefits of a vaccination management system?

  • Verify employee vaccination status quickly
  • Use ready-to-go, easy-to-use web forms for employees to upload proof of vaccination and other documents
  • Manage weekly testing requirements
  • Maintain an accurate record of vaccine exemptions
  • Have transparency in monitoring test results for employees who are not vaccinated, sending automated email reminders and employer notifications
  • Securely access complete reporting 
Responsiveness and speedy deployment may be among your main concerns. With the new DocuWare solution, you can get up and running in just one day. This preconfigured solution can also be expanded to become a full employee management system that digitizes and organizes HR documents for the complete employee lifecycle from applicant tracking, hiring and onboarding to employee separation.
Although designed for organizations in the US, all other countries can also use this solution.
*Add-on modules may be required for an on-premises solution.

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