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DocuWare now speaks 17 languages

DocuWare is used around the world. To help even more customers benefit from document management in their native language, the user interface is now also available in Finnish and Turkish.

The demand for document management and workflow automation knows no boundaries, not even linguistic ones. To give more users a chance to work with DocuWare in their native tongue, the user interface of Versions 7.3 and higher are now also available in two new languages: Finnish and Turkish.

This not only makes DocuWare more attractive in Finland and Turkey, it also brings many advantages for globally active companies and businesses who have employees from many different countries. Everyone can choose the language of their own user interface - regardless of the company language or location.

DocuWare also supports native number and date formats and displays them appropriately for each user. So, for example, if a US colleague enters 07/06/2020 as an index term in a date field, the date for colleagues with Finnish or Turkish interfaces will be displayed as: 6.7.2020.

Sprachwahl EN

You can set your language (and number/date format) under Profile & Settings on the General tab.


DocuWare is currently available in these 17 languages:

  • Arabic
  • Bulgarian
  • Croatian
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Finnish - new
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Turkish - new

To learn which DocuWare components are available in which languages, click here.

Want to see other languages added? Let us know in the DocuWare Customer Feedback Forum.


