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From AD to DocuWare: Master user synchronization with ease

By linking your user directory from Active Directory to DocuWare, you can avoid duplicate user administration. Our answers to the most frequently asked questions on this topic will help you with the configuration. 

To avoid duplicate work when creating and updating users, you can synchronize the users from your Active Directory with those in DocuWare. For this purpose, there is the DocuWare Desktop App User Synchronization, available in the installation dialog of DocuWare Desktop Apps under Administrative Apps. The app establishes a connection to the Active Directory (LDAP) or Azure Active Directory (Microsoft Graph) and creates new users in DocuWare or updates existing ones.  

The DocuWare Knowledge Center offers an introduction to the configuration

Here you will find answers to the 4 most frequently asked questions about user synchronization


Which permissions do I need in Azure Active Directory? 

To synchronize users into your DocuWare System from Azure, you'll need to create an Azure App Registration. In a second step, click on the "API Permissions" tab for the DocuWare app and add the following permissions to allow DocuWare access to the users: 

  • Directory.Read.All 
  • Group.Read.All 
  • GroupMember.Read.All 
  • openid 
  • profile 
  • User.Read 
  • User.Read.All 

Azure UserSync

Please refer to this Support Knowledge Base article for detailed information. 


How do new users get their password for DocuWare? 

When a new DocuWare user is created via the User Synchronization App, a welcome email with a link to reset the password is sent to the respective person. The individual user can use this to create a customized password. 


How can I synchronize users from multiple domains? 

Simply install an instance of the “DocuWare User Synchronization” desktop app on each domain that needs to be synchronized. The app can distinguish between the users from the domain it is connected to and users from further domains and synchronizes them separately. 


Is it possible to synchronize only members of certain Active Directory groups with DocuWare? 

Yes, this is possible. In the DocuWare User Synchronization App, enter the corresponding LDAP nodes in which the desired groups are located. 

DW UserSync EN

Read more about this topic in the detailed instructions with further background information


Discontinuation of old user synchronization included in DocuWare Administration 

Regarding user synchronization, please also note that the previous version, which was included in DocuWare Administration, will be discontinued with DocuWare Version 7.10. If you are affected by this, please switch to the DocuWare User Synchronization Desktop App before updating to DocuWare Version 7.10. 

