
New template available: DocuWare for Invoice Processing for UK and other countries (EMEA)

An updated template of the preconfigured solution for invKinetic - Invoice Processing - Featureoice processing is now available. Check it out:

  • Simplified for DSCs: The configuration is easier to read, maintain and expand. Workflows were separated and additional processes added.
  • More flexibility for DACs: Respond even better to the needs of prospects. The Workflow Setting Form offers the possibility to set a wide range of use cases for the presentation with just a few clicks.
  • Present the new line item reading feature and show how the quantity of each line item on the invoice is validated with the total amount of that line item.

The new version IPUK7.7T1 can be created within a DocuWare Trial or downloaded as DWBUC file via the Partner Resources page. Here you can also find the customized configuration documents as well as a presentation script that will help you make a successful sales pitch.

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