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Wishing for a Feature? Let DocuWare Know!


Ever notice in your daily work that there’s something in DocuWare that could be easier to use or could benefit from a new feature? Let us know! DocuWare‘s Product Team is always looking for ways to reflect customer ideas and wishes as they plan for the future.

With our Customer Feedback Forum, DocuWare offers a central point where you as a user can enter your wishes and ideas for DocuWare features. You can also comment on the ideas of other users and vote for them. Naturally, the more votes and voices, the more likely an idea will be realized.

Here’s How DocuWare Incorporates Your Input

The DocuWare Product Team regularly looks at the ideas coming in and checks whether they fit with DocuWare’s portfolio. They assign a status – for example, "Added to ideas backlog." If an idea is then ready for implementation, the status is changed to "planned" and finally set to "completed." So you always have an overview of what stage your idea is currently.

Worth it to Join In

Many customer requests from the Feedback Forum have been implemented with the last DocuWare versions: 16 with Version 7, 13 with Version 6.11, 15 with Version 6.10 and even 25 with Version 6.9.

In total, 16% of all ideas on the forum have already been implemented, which corresponds to 19% of all votes cast. In recent years, between 450 and 500 ideas were registered, a good 3300 users are active and in the last 30 days alone, the forum has been accessed more than 3000 times!

To make it easy for you, you can call up the forum directly from DocuWare by clicking on the megaphone icon:

  • in Web Client via Menu > Post an idea
  • in Desktop Apps on the right side of the Navigation Bar
  • in DocuWare Configuration on the very right side of the Title Bar

Or use this direct link to User Voice.

Success Stories

The ability to dynamically filter external select lists based on previous entries was based on an idea that originated in the Customer Feedback Forum:


The many votes and comments regarding this idea highlighted the importance of this feature for many users and application scenarios. So it was included in the planning, implemented and finally delivered with DocuWare version 6.9.

The idea to show or hide fields in DocuWare Forms depending on input already made was also provided by one user. It was implemented in the current version 7 of DocuWare:


Please do not be surprised if it takes two years from an idea to the delivered feature. After all, many steps are needed to ultimately execute on an idea.

The forum is just one of many sources from which DocuWare Product Team draws its ideas for new features. Onsite customer visits which are made by the team to see how DocuWare is being used in real-life situations are also enormously important.

If you are interested in participating in an exchange like this, feel free to extend an invitation to your company in your comment!

