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Updated: System Architecture White Paper

Updated: System Architecture White Paper

Look under the hood of DocuWare On-Premises and dig into its technical underpinnings. To accompany the new DocuWare version 7.7, an updated white paper on the system’s architecture has also been released.

Which components communicate with each other in DocuWare software? What kind of services are used? Which database systems are supported? The “White Paper System Architecture” informs you about these topics and many more.

This is a great way to inform yourself about DocuWare as a locally installed system and be able to better assess performance in terms of adaptability, scalability and ability to meet existing requirements.

The white paper provides tables and diagrams that illustrate, for example, the communication between components. It also breaks down each component: its tasks, which other components it communicates with, how its functions are managed, and what to consider when installing them.

The white paper is available online in the Knowledge Center and also as a PDF.
