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Smart Connect: Documents by Push of a Button


Smart Connect reads index terms directly from the interface of any program and uses them to search for documents in DocuWare. You can immediately see the right documents on your screen – whether they relate to a certain order, customer or project.

It's just as easy to use these same terms for indexing documents that you store in DocuWare.

Searches from Accounting Software

Let’s say your are editing the data record that belongs to an invoice. To display the invoice, simply click on the Smart Connect button in your accounting software. The document from the DocuWare file cabinet opens immediately in the Viewer. With a second button, you can also load a related delivery slip.

Searches from HR Programs

In an HR program, you can process the payroll records of your employees. To do this, you might need emails stored in DocuWare, sent from or to employees. You open the data record in your HR program. With a click on the Smart Connect button, all emails related to the employee appear in a results list.

Smart Indexing in Accounting

In your accounting software, you post an invoice that you then archive in DocuWare. The invoice appears in the DocuWare Viewer and the file dialog opens. In the accounting system, for example, you enter the company, date, invoice number and amount. Start Smart Connect with just one click: DocuWare transfers all this data from the accounting system interface right into the filing dialog - error-free!

No matter which program you work with, Smart Connect creates a direct and secure connection to documents housed in your file cabinets. And all this without any programming effort!


Read more about DocuWare Smart Connect.

