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Searching for Documents in Folders with DocuWare


Folders in the DocuWare ClientNot everyone likes hierarchies, but when it comes to documents, they can be quite helpful: they make it easier to find what you are looking for. This is true for paper folders and your computer’s file system as well as for DocuWare. But the folder structures in DocuWare offer even more benefits.

In Web Client, starting with DocuWare Version 6.10, you can view documents within classic folder structures. For example, an invoice file cabinet has folders set up for each year that contain folders for each cost center, which in turn have folders for each invoice issuer. They are set up to suit your needs and your usual workflows.

This can be particularly handy for people who rarely work with DocuWare or a particular file cabinet and so might not be terribly familiar with the index terms used. It’s a very intuitive approach that can quickly lead to a searched document.

DocuWare Client: Documents in a Folder Structure
The folder structure offers an intuitive pathway to searched documents

The beauty of DocuWare folders is that they are only an additional way to view file cabinets and documents. No matter what folder they are shown in - all documents are still housed in the same file cabinet.

The folder structure is defined via index fields. For the example described above, that might look like this: Year > Cost Center > Company. Also, you can use a familiar search dialog for the same file cabinet or pick a different folder structure altogether – whatever works best for your business.

The DocuWare Advantage: Choose Your Best Route

Each document is stored only once, but you can display documents differently in the hierarchy – whatever makes most sense for your organization. No way that a paper archive or classic file system offers the same benefit! And as you may know from your own experience: people have different approaches that work for them.

Folder structures are quickly set up and also practical for document storage.

• More about DocuWare Version 6.10

