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Integrating Stored Documents in Your Intranet


Make price lists stored in DocuWare available to your field representatives via your company intranet. Manage documents conveniently in your archive while giving colleagues access to the latest price list versions – and no one has to program anything themselves.

Instead of using DocuWare as a "whole," you can also integrate elements such as stored documents, trays or lists right in your company intranet or third-party software. Each element has its own ID and, thanks to DocuWare's open architecture, can be accessed via simple URL. DocuWare even provides the interface.

Here’s an example. A stored price list opens in DocuWare Viewer when you open it directly from your intranet. Even the DocuWare login can be embedded in the URL so that users who don’t have a DocuWare ID can also access the price list (one user each at the same time). The login data is always encrypted for security reasons and documents other than this price list cannot be retrieved using the integration URL.

The link for the integration only has to be created once and - in the case of the price list - inserted into the code of the company intranet. The link is based on a search that results in the desired document. For tips on how to define the search, check the URL Integration Manual.

Creating the link is easy with the URL Creator tool:

DocuWare URL Creator

The best part: even if you regularly update the price, the current version is always the one displayed via this dynamic link.


