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DocuWare – A multi-talent for all business processes

DocuWare – A multi-talent for all business processes

DocuWare is as versatile as a Swiss army knife! In addition to invoice processing, you can also use it for your contract management, personnel files, etc. – instead of relying on a bunch of specialized solutions. Here are three main advantages…

Maybe you’re already optimizing your A/P invoice process with DocuWare? It could be the perfect time to use the power of digitization and apply it to other processes in your company – like in your HR, legal or quality assurance departments. DocuWare is perfectly suited for all sorts of applications. So instead of purchasing separate specialized software solutions for each individual use case and department, remember that DocuWare is a tool for all company-wide processes that involves any kind of document or record. 

Advantage 1: It works across departments

Need to find invoices as they relate to a certain contract? The purchase order of a laptop for a new hire? The quality test records and delivery note for a product that recently shipped? Very few processes involve only a single department. With very specialized, departmental solutions, you will quickly encounter the limitation of working in a silo. These are often referred to as “isolated solutions" for a reason. 

In the best case, you 'only' have to switch over from the tool you are working with (i.e. login and search for the appropriate document). In the worst case, however, you’ll have no access to the other system at all, because user licenses are only available to those working in that specific department. Then you’ll have to contact someone on that team and ask for help. This can take hours – and would only be a few clicks away with DocuWare. You can use matching index terms to call up related documents straight away from different file cabinets, no matter the department – and all the information you need is immediately available.

Advantage 2: Cleaner software environment

If a department enters into a software contract by thinking, “well, it's just for us," it won’t take long for there to be an issue within a company’s software environment. Not only does your IT department quickly lose track, but so does your compliance manager. Many questions arise, both organizationally and legally. For example:

  • Where will data be hosted? For example, does a company's data leave US territory
  • Is data processed within the system in compliance with data protection regulations?
  • Who has access to which data and with what rights?
  • Who is responsible for user management? IT or the department? 
  • Is it possible to synchronize users with an Active Directory?
  • Is single sign-on feasible?

With DocuWare as a central system, you are much better positioned for system harmony. And even if the autonomy of individual departments is important to you, you can simply assign specific file cabinet rights to department managers, so that they can create file cabinets for their own department and configure them as necessary.

Advantage 3: Lower Costs

At first glance, specialized solutions seem inexpensive, especially if they advertise that you can start with a smaller package. Unfortunately, often you’ll have to upgrade quickly because you exceed the max in terms of users, documents, files, processes or data volume. And though it might seem like it’s just a bunch of smaller sums, over time the costs keep adding up. 

DocuWare also offers various license packages to allow users to scale their cloud solution as needed, according to the number of users and document volume. But whereas a compliance manager might need three user licenses for specialized solutions if she wants to manage contracts, approve invoices and view personnel files, with DocuWare she only needs to have a single license for one core application.


If additional processes in your company need to be digitized and automated, please let your colleagues know that they already have the right tool in-house. Your DocuWare contact will be happy to explain the possibilities of document management to suit any application scenario and advise on process implementation.

