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Best Tips & Tricks for DocuWare

Dragdrop_header_ENDocuWare users love a hot tip!  Since January, when our new Product Blog was launched, the information posted regarding clients and modules, videos and newsletters has been generating a lot of interest – thanks to all who are actively participating!  Tangible tips for using DocuWare to make daily tasks glide by are especially popular. But an article filled with technical information even managed to crack the Top 5 of most frequently clicked items in the first quarter this year. See for yourself,  which topics interested our users the most:

The leader of the pack: an article about “Adding Documents by Drag & Drop to Already Stored Documents“  from March 24. A short, simple tip as seen in the screen shot above, but with a great impact. Second place went to “Find Documents in a Flash“  from February 23: makes sense, since searching and finding is something everyone can relate to. “Getting the Most Out of Your DocuWare” from February 19 is in the third spot, nudging out a piece about the new “White Paper - System Architecture“ from January 28. Rounding out the top five – another handy tip piece, “Comparing Documents in Comfort“ from March 19.
