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Windows Explorer Client: Having Documents "Open with" Your Desired Program


Here’s a common feature in Windows Explorer: Click on a PDF and by default Acrobat Reader will open. If you’d like to work with the PDF, you can use the context menu and click on "Open with" to choose a program to further edit the document. But did you know that this handy feature is available to you in DocuWare Windows Explorer Client too?

In Windows Explorer Client you can find the option "Open with" in the context menu of an archived document:

Choose any program listed – just like in Windows.

In Windows Explorer Client you also have three other options for opening a document:

  • By double-clicking in the default program. When you change the default program for a file format in Windows, this will also be updated in Windows Explorer Client.
  • In Web Client Viewer – when adding annotations or stamps
  • In the desired program with "Open with" – for example, to edit a document in the original program and use the program’s full functionality
