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Never lose sight of your good resolutions


It’s that time again, to make your New Year’s Resolutions. Want to do more sports in 2020, eat a healthier diet or spend less time on your phone? Join the crowd! But here’s how the Process Planner can help keep you on track…

The holidays and day one of 2020 are just around the corner. This is also traditionally the time we formulate all our good intentions for the New Year.

Unfortunately, statistics show that most resolutions are abandoned after just a few weeks. To make sure this doesn't happen, give DocuWare Process Planner a try!

No matter if we’re talking business processes or private to-do plans: with DocuWare's web-based tool, you can create process diagrams easily and then keep an eye on them at all times.

The Process Planner is free of charge and can be used without any previous knowledge. The diagrams created with it can even be shared with others, so that you can work together seamlessly on a project. All you need to do is register with an email address.

But don’t worry – there’s still time until January 1st. So get a jump on it and start your planning today! And check out these examples of good resolutions for some added inspiration 😉.

Resolutions for 2020 (female) (1)


To see the complete example processes, click on the respective picture.


Resolutions for 2020 (male) (1)


Head here to create your very own plan for 2020.


