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GL coding in DocuWare: So quick thanks to prefill options

Stressless month ends

Digital invoicing workflows provide transparency, minimize errors, and shorten processing times. Bookings are made continuously, so you avoid all that annoying work backlog at the end of the month. But there are even more ways you can accelerate your accounting processes – thanks to GL coding that is integrated into the approval process.

A major advantage of digital invoice processing is the automatic capture of invoice data –
like supplier, date, document number and amounts. This can all be transferred to your accounting program by export or with an interface. If you enrich this data even further using additional GL coding, your process will be even more efficient and keep manual data entry and errors to a bare minimum. GL coding is conveniently done within a table field, which is integrated directly into the workflow tasks: 

1_GL Coding table in DocuWare


GL coding via drop-down or one click in the document

In our example here, the GL coding option is displayed when the invoice is in the completion process. However, it could also be integrated into the approval process and even into a store dialog. You can then easily transfer the amounts and the booking text from the document into the table using the One Click Indexing feature. Cost centers, accounts, optional GL segments or tax keys are selected from a drop-down list, for which any chart of accounts and entities can be stored. 
Tip: If a select list is very long, you can quickly find the desired entry by searching with an asterisk within each field. Of course, it is possible to split the invoice and add a new account assignment line for each partial amount as well.


Make the most of GL table prefill options

GL coding can be made even more convenient through automated booking suggestions, which you can either adjust or confirm. For this purpose, DocuWare can, for example, remember the account assignment of a supplier's last invoice in order to automatically populate the table. It‘s also possible to define fixed default assignments of the table fields for each supplier as a default. 

