
What’s new in DocuWare version 7.10

Product news

What’s new in DocuWare version 7.10

This new release offers significant improvements for usability and security. And there are also helpful innovations in the areas of workflow management and configuration.

Highlights include: 

Ease of Use

  • Viewer: Use the mouse wheel to scroll through documents and move the document back and forth in the viewer


  • Authorization of all DocuWare components via oAuth2
  • Checksum with new encryption algorithm
  • Additional security mechanisms for communication via webhooks and web services

Workflow Management and Configuration

  • New endpoints and query parameters for web services
  • Better overview of requests and workflow history
  • Mandatory field and read-only option for entire index tables
  • Forms: for non-public forms, the file attachment size limit has been improved

Find out more about these and all the other new features in DocuWare version 7.10 in What's New in DocuWare, including an overview of popular applications and user benefits.

The on-premises version for this release is planned for mid-April.   

For complete details and release documentation, read PartnerInfo #354.

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