
Licensing DocuWare Export and DocuWare Data Export Tool news

Product news

DocuWare Export is included in all packages with DocuWare Cloud. For on-premises installations, a module license (of the same name) is required for DocuWare PROFESSIONAL and ENTERPRISE Server installations. DocuWare Export cannot be combined with DocuWare BUSINESS Server.

Since the functionality of DocuWare Export and the DocuWare Data Export Tool is nearly identical, the new product (DocuWare Export) replaces the old one (DocuWare Data Export Tool). As a result, the DocuWare Data Export Tool is no longer available for new sales. Customers who already have a DocuWare Data Export Tool license can continue to use it and support will also continue. Therefore, a conversion is not immediately necessary. In the mid-term, however, it makes sense to switch to the new product. The side grade of the license from Data Export Tool to DocuWare Export is free of charge.

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