
iPaaS Success Story: Hees Bürowelt combines DocuWare with AI from

DocuWare - Logo - Color - RGB - 1000pxHees Bürowelt – a long-standing DocuWare Partner as well as a Customer Service Champion and member of the DocuWare Diamond Club – has successfully implemented a highly innovative iPaaS project. The pros at Hees combined DocuWare with the artificial intelligence platform to use deep OCR to read low-quality documents and extract complex information.

Easy automation of position data and categorization

The advantages of AI in combination with versatile DocuWare applications are impressive and practical for everyday needs. Together with, Hees can read low-quality documents and using deep OCR, extract complex information and automatically sort documents into categories.

Thanks to the Rest API and integration via IPaaS connector, the AI model from Hees and Natif was quickly integrated into the existing DocuWare system, which had already convinced customers with its user-friendliness and versatility. Even complex construction calculations can be read out accurately – down to the individual items – with little effort.

"This opens up completely new sales possibilities. The models work immediately and directly provide a WOW effect for our customers. In addition, we see completely new starting points for automation through these extractions, down to the exact positions. The automatic classification of documents is child's play with We'll see a lot developing in the coming weeks."
Maximilian Henkel, Hees sales professional

About is a leading company in the processing of documents with artificial intelligence. It is a spin-off of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and specializes in the processing of documents. The company attaches great importance to data protection and therefore operates its own servers exclusively in Germany.'s services are available in the cloud, which makes it easy and flexible to use.

Experience live

At DocuWorld 2023 in Berlin, will be there as an exhibitor and present the connection options to DocuWare.

Want to know more about the possibilities of iPaaS integrations? DocuWare iPaaS Connector

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