
Important discontinuation changes coming with DocuWare Version 7.6

Product news

Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 will be discontinued.
Microsoft announced that it will end support for Internet Explorer 11 in June 2022. DocuWare will therefore also no longer support Internet Explorer 11 as of version 7.6, based on our current planning, in April 2022. Please ensure that your customers are using an up-to-date browser when moving to DocuWare version 7.6. For all DocuWare Cloud customers, updates will start as usual shortly after the release of version 7.6.

Important Notice: Connect to Sharepoint will be discontinued.
Please note that the DocuWare module Connect to Sharepoint will no longer be supported by DocuWare as of DocuWare version 7.6. The module will no longer be available to sell as of this date and can no longer be installed with DocuWare.

This also means that after updating to DocuWare version 7.6, existing installations of Connect to Sharepoint will no longer work.

After updating to DocuWare version 7.6 or higher, a customer will no longer have to pay for maintenance and support for the removed modules. Please contact to have contracts modified accordingly.

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