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Viewer: Pick Your Favorite Features

Did you know that there are more than 60 icons that can be set up in Viewer to represent a wide variety of functions? And this doesn’t even include stamps! To give yourself a perfect overview, simply design a toolbar that best reflects your needs. Here‘s how it's done…

To view documents – seems like a pretty self-evident feature for the DocuWare Viewer. But this powerful tool lets you do a whole lot more: print, download, email, annotate or stamp are just a few examples. Depending on the application, different features will be more important. The best way to ensure that the many features you need most are at your fingertips is to design your own toolbar: just move the ones you need most often to the top and sort the ones you never need out – that way you’ll have a viewer that fits your work perfectly.

For example, if you really are only displaying documents most of the time, you might want to collapse/hide the toolbar. Scrolling and zooming can be handled with the top crossbar, and you can also find all your stamps in a menu there.

Viewer with hidden toolbar, providing more space for viewing a document

Viewer with hidden toolbar, providing more space for viewing a document


If you are often working with tools, the bar on the left will mostly stay open. Select the functions you want to include there. To do this, go to "Settings" in the client menu and then switch to the "Viewer" tab:

Select the functions you want to include there. To do this, go to "Settings" in the client menu and then switch to the "Viewer" tab:

Clicking on the eye turns a function on or off. Only disable the functions you really don‘t need. Otherwise, you’ll have to return to the menu to reactivate them.
You can also drag and drop the order of the tools to suit your needs. Position them on the right or left toolbar by using the arrow keys.

A handy setup might look like this:

DocuWare Viewer with toolbars on both left and right side

DocuWare Viewer with toolbars on both left and right side

