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Mobile app: sharing archived documents

With the latest update of the DocuWare app, archived documents can now also be shared or forwarded. Now available for iOS or Android smartphones.

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DocuWare's new mobile app is continually being enhanced. With the latest update, you can share documents stored in DocuWare with other apps on your smartphone.

As seen in the picture on the left, you simply select Share from the Document menu. Invoices, logs, manuals or any other document can be downloaded from a DocuWare file cabinet to the smartphone - in either their original format or as a PDF. Then they can be forwarded to others via email or What's App, etc.

The application of stamps to documents within a task has also been improved. Stamps are now automatically placed on an empty spot on the document. With Android phones, stamps can also be moved conveniently with a touch.

Download the update here:

The DocuWare App can be used with DocuWare version 6.10 or higher. Users of DocuWare On-Premises require a mobile license; in DocuWare Cloud, the use of the mobile app is included.

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