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Discontinuing Oracle as a supported DocuWare Database

Discontinuing Oracle as a supported DocuWare Database

The upcoming DocuWare version, planned for fall 2023, will be the last version to support Oracle databases. To enable affected customers to continue working with DocuWare without interruption, we will offer a migration tool to MS SQL. 

For on-premises installations, we unfortunately do not have exact information about who is using which database. If you are affected by the discontinuation, please contact your Authorized DocuWare Partner. He will advise you for the necessary database change and perform the migration.

Reasons for the End-of-Life 

DocuWare has supported Oracle as a database for its on-premises installations for many years. However, there are only a few customers using Oracle.  

A few years ago, Oracle introduced a new architecture ("CDB"). DocuWare never supported it because the small number of customers did not justify the effort. Oracle has announced that it will discontinue Premier Support for the last version that still supports the old architecture (Oracle 19c) on April 30, 2024. Extended Support will be offered free of charge for another year until April 30, 2025. 

Because we cannot run DocuWare on a database for which the vendor no longer offers Premier Support, DocuWare has decided to discontinue support for Oracle in parallel with Oracle's discontinuation of Premier Support for version 19c. DocuWare version 7.9 (planned for September 2023) will be the last version that can use Oracle as a database. Support for DocuWare 7.9 will continue as usual for three years, until approximately September 2026. 

