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Posts with the topic of "Workflow"

Why You Should Integrate Your ERP with Document Management

Although Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems promise to do it all, when it comes to incorporating documents into your workflows or archiving ... Read more

What is Version Control & Why Is It Important?

Does this scenario sound familiar? You’re collaborating with a group of colleagues to update a standard operating procedure (SOP) that will be ... Read more

Reduce Operating Costs with a Digital Document Management System

The possibility of an economic downturn during the upcoming year is unsettling, and its potential impact is difficult to predict. But reducing ... Read more

Workflow Automation: A Beginner's Guide

There’s a temptation to do routine tasks the way you’ve always done them. You may wonder if a workflow management system is worth the investment. And ... Read more

How to End Workarounds that Block Efficiency Gains

If employees are replacing an official process with their own workarounds, there’s an underlying reason that deserves a closer look. When you dig ... Read more

Automated Accounting Starts with These Four Processes

Automating business processes in accounting and finance represents an enormous opportunity for business leaders. It’s a chance for chief financial ... Read more

Webinar (EMEA): How Effective Digital Forms Simplify Data Capture and Easily Route Information

Accurately collecting and structuring data is critical to your core business processes. Doing it efficiently involves avoiding pitfalls such as ... Read more

What Information Do Employees Need Most from Your HR Team?

Human resource processes should be treated as an ecosystem, not in silos - and we see other organizational departments fall into a similar trap. This ... Read more

How Your Remote Accounting Department Can Get the Job Done with Digital Workflows

The challenges of operating successfully when most employees are working from home are often felt keenly by accounting departments. If your ... Read more

How to Create Simple Workflows in a Matter of Minutes

With DocuWare, you can easily automate smaller tasks that crop up on an ad-hoc basis. Just because you couldn’t plan to set up an automated workflow ... Read more

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