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Posts with the topic of "Security"

Cyberattacks: How You Can Protect Your Company

Whether it's ransomware, phishing or social engineering, do you think your cyberattack protection measures are sufficient or that your company is ... Read more

The 4 Key Elements of Secure Document Archiving

What do T-Mobile and PharMerica have in common (besides being hugely successful businesses)? They both fell prey to hackers which led to customer ... Read more

How to Avoid Security Risks in the Age of the Hybrid Workforce

Hybrid work has been an integral part of working life for more than three years now. Whether in the office, from home or on the go, the flexibility ... Read more

11 Cloud-Based Document Management Features That Enable Mengali Accounting to Achieve Ironclad Security

Security breaches, data loss, version management headaches and litigation due to regulatory violations have become so common that it all feels like ... Read more

What Is SOC 2 Compliance and Why Does It Matter?

If a colleague mentions “sock two,” they’re not referring to clothing that’s been lost in the wash. The “SOC” in SOC 2 stands for System and ... Read more

Reality Check: Survey Shows How Companies Are Handling Compliance Right Now

Is there a bigger challenge than protecting your company from cyberthreats and keeping up with regulatory changes? To gain real-world perspective, ... Read more

How to Choose the Right Document Archiving Solution

The right document archiving solution helps protect your data, digitize paper processes, maintain business continuity, meet compliance standards and ... Read more

When it Comes to Information Security, You Can Pay Now or You Can Pay Later

Overcoming the “not now” bias holding back many document management initiatives is often frustrating. Many organizations struggle with the The Why? ... Read more

Valuable General Key for the Internet

German companies are planning a common login for the use of Internet services. Similar to how you can sign up for a lot of services by using your ... Read more

Sharp CFOs Boost Information Security with Business Process Improvement

Finance executives in all organizations are being asked to look closely at their core processes. Two the main drivers for business process ... Read more

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