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Valuable General Key for the Internet


Password_Blog.jpgGerman companies are planning a common login for the use of Internet services. Similar to how you can sign up for a lot of services by using your Facebook or Google account, they are developing a type of general key for the Internet that will simplify the process of logging in. The German initiative includes companies like Allianz, Axel Springer, Daimler, Deutsche Bank and the card service Here together with Fraunhofer and the European School of Management and Technology.

This type of general key, called an authentication service, could be extremely valuable for Germany and Europe because it facilitates the use of digital services for average users and would make them considerably safer than current offerings. While there are already more secure authentication services available, they are different for every site. As a consumer, you need to set up different logins for your bank, online shop, phone service providers or insurance. The process is currently very time consuming in order to make it secure – and you always have to keep track of tons of passwords. 

Valuable authentication service for Germany and Europe

In our opinion, the chances for creating a secure, uniform authentication service are very good. With eIDAS, we have a European-wide legal framework for secure authentication and electronic signatures. This now makes it possible to provide these services with minimal technical effort and very cost-effectively. If we build on this framework to develop a "general key," which is just as easy to use as a Facebook or Google login while providing a high degree of security and make it free for everyone to use – this would certainly help both the German and European digital economy take a competitive leap. And then the further digitalization of business processes beyond company boundaries will also be further simplified.
