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DocuWare Blog: Modern Digital Business

3 Simple Integrations with Big Business Payoffs

The words "software integration" conjure up the image of an IT programmer drinking cup after cup of coffee while hunkering down to write complex ... Read more

DocuWorld Partner Conference – Save the date!

In just over two months, DocuWare will be inviting its sales Partners from Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region to the ... Read more

Reality Check: Survey Shows How Companies Are Handling Compliance Right Now

Is there a bigger challenge than protecting your company from cyberthreats and keeping up with regulatory changes? To gain real-world perspective, ... Read more

Diamond Club 2021 – Introducing the Top 10

At the beginning of every year, DocuWare announces the members of its Diamond Club: the Top Ten sales partners in the EMEA region based on sales from ... Read more

Free Webinar: Less Hassle, Quicker Transactions with e-Signatures

What’s more frustrating than delay caused by waiting for a document with an ink-to-paper signature to be signed and returned? You don’t know how long ... Read more

What a Millennial Wants: Remote Work is Here to Stay

Work at the office or work from home (WFH)? Before COVID-19, many of us didn’t have a choice. Millennials, who the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ... Read more

Hottest Reads from the DocuWare Team

In addition to traditional holiday and winter activities, many DocuWare team members will be catching up on their reading, listening to podcasts and ... Read more

Webinar: The Future Digital Office Ecosystem

The leap to remote working means that businesses went from managing one or several offices to coordinating activities at many home office locations. ... Read more

Webinar: Perfect Together – Integrating DocuWare into Third Party Applications

Information needs to be available quickly and seamlessly. That’s why it’s so essential that users be able to access all the information they need, ... Read more

How to Eliminate Paper in Your HR Department

If a company uses manual processes, HR can be one of its most paper-intensive departments. Using a free file sharing app like Google Docs or Dropbox ... Read more