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How to Eliminate Paper in Your HR Department

If a company uses manual processes, HR can be one of its most paper-intensive departments. Using a free file sharing app like Google Docs or Dropbox ... Read more

Rebel Refrigeration Implements DocuWare Cloud in Just Days

Due to challenges caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic U.S. companies have been advised to pivot. That’s not always easy to do. According to a recent ... Read more

How K-12 School Systems Can Resolve New IT Challenges with Office Automation

K-12 school systems are spending more time and resources managing technology for remote learning and hardware-intensive projects like providing ... Read more

How to Choose the Right Document Archiving Solution

The right document archiving solution helps protect your data, digitize paper processes, maintain business continuity, meet compliance standards and ... Read more

What Information Do Employees Need Most from Your HR Team?

Human resource processes should be treated as an ecosystem, not in silos - and we see other organizational departments fall into a similar trap. This ... Read more

Transform Email into Actionable Information with Automated Email Management

Searching through a cluttered email inbox negatively affects productivity, stealing time and energy that could be put to better use. With automated ... Read more

New Survey Explores COVID-19 Preparedness and Reveals Lessons Learned

The advent of COVID-19 increased the need for remote work and left many organizations scrambling to make sure that employees had the right tools to ... Read more

How DocuWare eForms and Workflow Easily Manage CDC Screening Requirements in Minutes!

Contact tracing is a valuable tool for containing the spread of COVID-19 so the economy can reopen safely. There’s an urgent need for a flexible, ... Read more

How Your Remote Accounting Department Can Get the Job Done with Digital Workflows

The challenges of operating successfully when most employees are working from home are often felt keenly by accounting departments. If your ... Read more

How to Create Simple Workflows in a Matter of Minutes

With DocuWare, you can easily automate smaller tasks that crop up on an ad-hoc basis. Just because you couldn’t plan to set up an automated workflow ... Read more