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DocuWorld 2018 – Top Industry Trends and an Exciting New Product Release Were Among the Topics Discussed This Year

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Another year, but not just another DocuWorld Conference! To our 300 valued Partners who made it to Orlando, we value your commitment and thank you for your participation in making this event the success it was. For those Partners who could not make it this year, DocuWare shared insights on industry trends, unveiled a new product, conducted training, and facilitated networking opportunities such as the Diamond Club dinner. Read on to learn more about DocuWorld 2018….

Whether measured by silver, gold, diamond or platinum standards, this year’s conference was a winner on all fronts, with the DocuWare team dedicating itself to making it more informative, collaborative, educational and fun than ever before! Seventeen unique training sessions were conducted, each one running multiple times. We were proud to present awards to the top ten Diamond Club Partners in North American and the top three Diamond Club Partners in Latin America.

Trevor Crystal of Les Olsen Company was named the first DocuWare Demo Challenge Champion. Congratulations Trevor!



Our Casino night and lawn games allowed for some friendly competition and team work. Prizes such as $200 gift cards incentivized everyone to play hard.

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“At these conferences, networking with other resellers is always a highlight. We gain so much from each other. I enjoyed the roundtable discussion on popular verticals. We also talked about looking for new niche markets - for example, industries like ski resorts and retail stores that hire seasonal workers. They hire lots of employees within a tight timeframe, and that is difficult to manage. Obviously, DocuWare is a natural fit.”  Joni Goodman, VP of Software Solutions, KeeFORCE, Paducah, Kentucky

This year we changed up the format and conducted our general session over the course of two days instead of one. With Jürgen Biffar speaking on day one, and me on day two, we were able to address industry trends, customer demands and new product launches in more detail than previous years. We were also proud to share the giant steps we have taken to stay ahead of these trends, surpass customer demands and develop the best products we can.


“Attending DocuWorld provided me with not only a roadmap of what the future looks like with the DocuWare product but provides me with key talking points to assist my customers in making intelligent decisions on content services and business process automation.” Kurt Kremer, Professional Services Manager, Toshiba Business Solutions – Minnesota

Jürgen spoke about the evolution of Enterprise Content Management to Content Services. He went to explain that, according to experts, Content Services is the way forward in providing Document Imaging, Document Management, Invoice Processing and Personnel File Solutions for better business collaboration - all via the public cloud. Sound familiar? Probably because DocuWare’s early adoption of a cloud-first strategy in the SMB market, allowed Partners to provide fast, secure and flexible document storage and accessibility through the cloud, long before it was popular with other larger but slow-moving players in the industry.

DocuWare Cloud is built on Microsoft Azure and deployed on multiple data-centers, providing an extremely future-ready public cloud solution for our customers.

Secure, flexible cloud-based solutions are being adopted across all sectors. This is evidenced in the size and genre of some of the new businesses that our Partners secured  -  an impressive 1,783 new customers in 2017.

The Cloud Panel Discussion was the perfect platform for partners Jason Ostendorf, QBSI, Peter Britton, Toshiba and Brian Sampietro, TGI Office Automation to elaborate on this growing demand, by sharing their own experiences and the benefits involved in moving from on-premises to cloud installations.

Cloud Panel group

“DocuWorld 2018 was one of the best events I’ve attended in years! It’s obvious the DocuWare leadership team understands the evolving needs of our customers and has masterfully crafted an incredible cloud offering to meet and exceed those needs.

The DocuWare Kinetic Solution for Invoice Processing will provide us with a distinct competitive advantage by allowing us to reduce our go-to-market time by more than 50%. That allows us to provide lower costs to customers and spend less time per installation. That’s a win-win-win.” Andre C. St. Pierre, Director of Professional Services, Toshiba America Business Solutions






On day two of the General Session, I expanded on the growing cloud-based movement introduced by Jürgen. I demonstrated how this has resulted in enormous potential for new business and shared how DocuWare is working to help Partners meet this demand.








The move to complete digitization is now and the demand is big. By understanding the factors and decision-making criteria that come in to play when selecting a content services provider, DocuWare takes the guesswork out and so sets customers on the fast-track to success.

Looking at this breakdown by country and by industry, there are still some big holes for us to fill together. We have a lot to do and a lot to look forward to.

The new product we were excited to unveil at DocuWorld is called DocuWare Kinetic Solutions - a pre-configured cloud solution that delivers fast ROI and can be easily scaled and adapted as a business grows.

How will our new “solutions” help Partners meet the demand in potential new growth opportunities? Here’s the answer in three simple points.

  1. Quick Installation: The cloud-based application ensures that new customers will be up and running with zero down-time. This is a critical factor for industries, that have a great need for digital transformation, but cannot afford the lengthy down-times that go with adopting a new solution.
  2. Eliminates Manual Touch & Improves Productivity: DocuWare Kinetic Solution for Invoice Processing allows the capture, data extraction, routing and archiving of invoices.  With vendor-related quick match, three-way match, split-code billing support, PO matching and automated post back to the ERP, customers can run invoices faster, through a straight, untangled workflow that eliminates manual touch at every step.
  3. Digital Workflows & a Secure Repository: DocuWare Kinetic Solution for Employee Management digitizes, centralizes and organizes employees’ HR documents within a secure, searchable repository. Within the DocuWare solution, HR teams can use ready-to-go digital workflows and forms for applicant tracking, hiring, on-boarding, performance reviews and time-off request management.

As always our Partners will receive a complete set of supporting marketing, sales and implementation tools prior to the launch date.

DocuWare Kinetic Solutions will launch globally on June 12th 2018.  And there is more to come! DocuWare will launch additional solutions to address other industry sectors.

Following our preview demo at DocuWorld, there has been positive feedback:

“We particularly liked the new DocuWare Kinetic Solutions offering that is part of the new cloud Version 7. I think DocuWare is on to something now with that type of “templatized” shell. It adds immediate value to the client’s purchase while decreasing the amount of time to go live.

We are excited about all of the new offerings and look forward in seeing them in action.” Mike Smith, Principal, Miken Technologies


DocuWorld 2018 owes its success to our Partners and sponsors:

Gold Sponsors Silver Sponsors Bronze Sponsors

I’d like to invite all our valued Partners to DocuWorld 2019 to learn, network, train, win and of course take more fun selfies!

Interested in becoming a Partner? Learn more at or contact us at

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