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10 Ways the Town of Windham Improves Service to Citizens with DocuWare Cloud

Paper records are taking up space and manual processes are slow and prevent timely services to citizens. By implementing a document management system, instead of spending time on routine tasks, staff can redirect their efforts to strategic projects and respond more efficiently to citizens’ requests. This is especially important today when the public is counting on the quick and efficient delivery of government services.

Digitalization efforts often stall because local government IT departments are dealing with aging technology infrastructures and outdated legacy systems. That’s why a cloud-based document management system is such a great fit. With the cloud, government agencies, boards, and committees can take advantage of state-of-the-art security, scalability and a regular schedule of updates that don’t require IT support or additional hardware investments.

With the enactment of new privacy laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), there’s also more pressure than ever to deliver the advanced security and disaster recovery capability that a cloud-based solution provides. According to a Deloitte Insights report Tech Trends in 2020: Peering Through the Lens of Government, “Government organizations, as custodians for very sensitive personal data, can set the bar for trustworthiness. Taking the lead means setting higher standards, articulating agency values, communicating those values consistently, training employees on proper data use, and securing the data.”

With a document management system
state and local governments can:
1. Restrict unauthorized viewing of confidential documents to protect  citizens' privacy 
2. Store records electronically to save office space and automate
retention schedules
3. Prove compliance with federal, state, and local regulations
4. Enable citizens to use eforms so documents and data are imported directly into DocuWare
5. Integrate documents with your ERP, public sector software and other business software
6. Save significant budget on hardware, IT resources, paper, off-site storage and time spent on routine tasks
7. Import digital documents from shared drives, email and more, keeping everything organized and instantly available
8. Share information inter-departmentally to increase efficiency and productivity
9. Create automated workflows, escalation and exception rules so all processes run smoothly
10. Access documents and tasks with any desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone for work from the office, home, or on the road

A new way of working for the Town of Windham

Windham-Historic-Distric-Sign 3

The Town Clerk's Office of the Town of Windham, New Hampshire stores and maintains all records for the town’s departments. It also processes and stores documents for its 16,000 residents, including motor vehicle registration, census upkeep and marriage, birth and death certificates. The office maintains election and voter records, board meeting minutes and historical documents, adhering strictly to the state’s record retention policies.

When a state law approved electronic record keeping, Town Clerk Nicole Bottai launched a digitizing project to manage and retrieve records faster and more efficiently. Together with the Records Retention Committee, Bottai presented her idea and implementation plan to the Board of Selectmen, Capital Improvements Committee and residents. Her plan was approved, and she selected DocuWare for its flexible cloud capabilities, great online reviews and a proven easy learning curve.

Windham vault shelf 3 (1)Before the office went digital, the staff processed 18,000 motor vehicle registrations annually, storing all documents in labeled cardboard boxes stacked on metal shelves inside a vault room. The staff manually filed and searched for records, spending 7 to 10 days a month on organizing papers.

The Town Clerk’s Office aims to bring all departments online with DocuWare to better service both constituents and the Community Development Director. The office plans to give residents access to public documents via the town’s website. Bottai intends to use DocuWare Forms to onboard new residents, eliminating cumbersome paperwork. She is also promoting the DocuWare solution to other New Hampshire towns.

“If the law in your state allows it, and you have full support from the necessary Boards, Committees, and the community, I encourage you to absolutely go forward with DocuWare and digital record storage,” she says.
From securing vital public records to running civic projects and programs, and from managing procurement documents to fulfilling the daily needs of citizens, DocuWare’s digital processes provide faster, easier and more error-free public service. Get rid of paperwork, save valuable time and drive your agency's productivity. You can also protect your records against cyberthreats and natural disasters like floods or fires with a fail-safe disaster recovery plan. You and your team can make sure your corner of the public sector runs smoothly despite increasing demands and limited resources.

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