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Cloud document management - What opportunities are you missing?

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Cloud_Document_Management_OpportunitiesThe technology landscape is littered with innovations that were initially resisted and waved off (sometimes with great emotion!) that have since become wildly successful – even crucial.

Consider this editorial prediction in 1996 from AIIM, the industry’s electronic document management association: “Despite the euphoria of Internet enthusiasts and the hyped-up selling palaver of some web services providers, we remain uncertain as to the long-run substantive benefits the Internet will bring to businesses and to individual users.” (As a long-time AIIM member … ouch!)

The iPhone was widely dismissed upon its initial release. David S. Platt, who teaches at the Harvard University Extension School and has authored 11 programming books, likely regrets this 2007 forecast and stock advice: “Because its designers forgot [the fundamentals of] User Experience Design (“Know Thy User, for He Is Not Thee”), that product is going to crash in flames. Sell your Apple stock now, while the hype's still hot. You heard it here first.” (For the record, $10,000 of Apple stock purchased when this prediction was made would now be worth $115,000!)

There are hundreds more examples. But let’s see if I can’t get one prediction right: I am convinced that cloud document management will someday be viewed as a missed opportunity for many organizations. 

This is not hyperbole. Cloud needs no additional hype from another vendor. There are public clouds, private clouds, managed clouds, personal clouds, hybrid clouds, community clouds and I’m sure a dozen more variations I don’t even know about. Organizations are beset by options. 

But for document management, the cloud option truly does change the equation – even for organizations who do not think they are currently “ready” for the cloud. 

Consider these data points from the most recent AIIM State of the Information Management Industry survey. Twenty-three percent of organizations describe the governance and management of multi-channel inbound information as “chaotic.”  Most organizations are struggling to manage the basic documents needed to run their business. But the market is aware of the problem: 76% of organizations are investigating cloud content management options. In my opinion, this should be 100%. Here’s why. 

First, economics: organizations can now acquire digital document management at reasonable price models -- purchasing by the “drink” rather than the barrel – and implement it with minimal IT support.

Second, future-readiness: Cloud document management is equally important to those with an on-premises solution because it provides a path to retain your current investment while expanding beyond a single department. Even organizations that say they don’t want to manage their documents and content in the cloud now report that they want this option in the future. Solutions enable hybrid on-premises and cloud environments are necessary for these companies to evolve their IT strategy.

If you haven’t looked at cloud document management, now is the time. The future is right around the corner, the technology bridges are there for crossing.

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