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Why “Not Now” is the Wrong Document Management Choice


Document_Management_Solution_Time“What document management software are you considering?”

When I ask end users and business leaders this question, I typically get a list of three or so vendors, including DocuWare. It’s an honor to be on that list. 

But far too often, I get a different answer: “Not now.”

It’s easy to delay a document management decision.  A decade ago, selecting a document management solution could be risky – software was often complex to integrate, required lots of consultants and professional services hours, and was difficult to use.  Today, document management, the opposite is true: with the right solution, implementation is simpler and the product easier to use, and the risky decision is to do nothing.

If you’re like most organizations, you have strategic objectives to: a) get rid of paper; and b) get key departments – or maybe your entire organization – providing better customer experiences.  “Not now” for document management is not the right answer on either count. Here’s why.

The Persistent Problem of Paper

Paper-driven processes are a costly logjam of manual document shuffling. Paper documents are a red flag for productivity and customer responsiveness problems. According to IDC, employees waste 3.5 hours per week searching for and not finding documents, and additional hours are wasted re-creating “lost” documents. On average, every misfiled document costs $125; a lost document costs $700. With document management, this pain disappears.

The Competitive Advantage of Great Customer Experience

Most businesses are challenged by new, disruptive competitors. To survive, the entire organization must act responsively and operate efficiently, especially in delivering an outstanding—and differentiating customer experience. For your staff, key customer information must be available in real-time during crucial “moments of truth”. Document management ensures information is digital, indexed and instantly accessible. No searching, no waiting, no frustration.

Paper is a drag on operational excellence. Customer experience is the key to enduring business success. Document management solves both.

Choosing “not now” means greater cost, risk and delays – none of which organizations can afford in a charged competitive environment.  Of course, I hope you choose DocuWare as your document management software answer, but whatever you choose, choose something.  “Not now” is simply no longer an answer. 

Are you ready to see how DocuWare's all-in-one ECM and document management solution can help you go digital? Schedule a personalized demo today. 

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